I loved her unconditionally as a mother yet found her to be one of the most attractive, sexiest females I knew. What I loved most was that even though Mom had an incredibly attractive, petite body, it was her sensuality that turned me on the most. She seemed to understand how incredibly exciting it could be and how much enjoyment could be had without actual intercourse, something I had never considered before. When she looked at me there was no shame in her eyes. I had the feeling she was. ?Now, thank me properly for allowing you to cleanse my rectum with your mouth?, he sneered, his voice full of contempt. ?Thank you, your highness?, she replied through her tears, eyes cast down toward the floor, not daring to look up. She was beginning to feel like the worthless piece of meat they kept telling her she was. The next thing she knew, he had grabbed her by her blond ponytail and was dragging her across the floor toward a large leather-covered table, as she screamed and flailed. Very well in fact. Although I didn't want them tothink that this was a comfortable experience for me, as it was a skin-tight garment, if I gave a false answer, it was ensured that they wouldsee right through it."Yeah, perfectly."As soon as my last word left my mouth, I gravely wished that I could havetaken it back. Somehow it was delivered without any of the sarcasm that Ihad intended. It came out sounding like I actually liked it, or notminding it at the very least.Although I was avoiding. Coming down between her legs I licked her clit and cunt lips and then pushed my tongue in her cunt opening and moving it in and out. She was moaning so loudly that I was scared her parents might not hear her sounds and pressing her clit with her fingers. After 20 minutes of tongue fuck she reached height of her excitement and then she screamed biting her lips and her pussy started flowing like volcano. She had a big orgasm and my mouth was full of her pussy fluid. She was lying calm now but I.
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